Feeling left out of the Geek Circle? Don't quite understand why people are refering to themselves as Leet Hackers and calling you a lama? To add insult to injury, they can't even spell Hacker or leet right and claim they own you. Well, here's a guide to by the world renowned map maker oE|CyberGeek to help you understand and maybe even impress your friends with your new speak.
h4x0r - noun; derivation of the english word hacker; typcially used in the sense of one who interferes with a game through a means not provided by the game itself. Usually accomplished through an application which 'hooks' itself into the game loop of the game.
Mini-l33t dictionary thingy, 'cause I'm bored this morning:
1 = L
3 = E
4 = A
5 = S
7 = T
9 = G
0 = O
Those are some of the basic letters, letters are also formed through combinations of normal ascii characters, for example: |\/| = M.
In l33t, when 'cker' is at the end of a word, that set of letters is replaced with xxor, spelled out in the l33t alphabet. So hacker becomes haxxor. Similarly, when 'cks' is at the end of a word it becomes xxors. One who says 'he hacks' would say he haxxors.
The word leet itself comes from the english word 'Elite' and refers to either A. The name of the dialect itself (if you would call it that) or B. Something that is good, cool, etc.
Here's a quick breakdown on the most popular l33t dictionary:
Leet: Elite. Other variations are L33t, l33+, and l337. If you are leet then j00 are better than others.
haxx0r: Hack...if you dont know what this means, get a life (or rather, lose one). Extremely 1337 is HaxX0r (note capital X)
phjear: fear. Pronounced like fear but with the J, or fear but with a j on the end. as in "phjear my haxX0r tekniq". Extreme 1337!575 use phj34r
ph33r: a llama version of phj34r. it means fear. also pheer, or phear.
tekniq: technique, pronounce the same. See above.
pr0n: porn. Pronounced like Prawn or simply Pron. Also spelled pron by llamas
llama: a Lamer. Someone who is not L33t and basically a loser.
t00l: a general insult. Be warned this is a strong insult of the F-word type.
nerf: meaning to modify or change in some way, often times making it weaker.
newbie: if u dont know what this means then u r one, trust me. also n3wb13 or |\|3\/\/B13.
Flame: to bag the crap out of someone, to abuse them.
0wn: rule, wicked, awesome, etc. as in "dam i 0wn" or "this channel 0wnz". also "own" (only if u r a llama).
pwn: Same and Own. Actually a typo from the l33t people during Quake 1 and in some channels is still used.
0wned: If you have been 0wned it means you have been hurt or generally screwed over. As in "I 0wned j00 in CS" and "j00 have been 0wned by
l33+ 5p34k: LE3T 5PE4K I5 wH3N j00 +4Lk l1kE THi5. t0 uNDEr$+@ND j00 mu5+ Be l3e+. 1pH jo0 4RE noT lEeT jo0 C4Nnot SPe@K or rE4d tH1$.
j00: You. also joo (only if u r a llama).
j0: You. 80's rap version
l33+ 4lph4b3+: here are some conversions for basic letters if j00 want to speak l33+ sp34k ( /-\|)\//-\|\|(3|) l33+ 5p34k h45 b33|\| 1|\|(|_u|)3|) ) :
f-disked: Screwed. pronounced EF-disked. as in "I will haxX0r ur computer and it will be f-disked, then j00 will phj34r me!"
l8a: later. Also l8r. It is not (despite belief by some newbies) 18a, it is l8a.....yes, that is an L.
suxx0r: Sucks. Also sux or suxX0r (Capital X theorem applies).
w00t: Happy, yay, [homer]woo hoo[/homer]
also, to be l33+ u must replace ee with ea and f with ph. sO freak is phreak.but if j00 r l33+ it is pHr34k.
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