Biggest Loser mystery trainer is Beachbody’s Bret Hoebel

If you didn’t know, the mystery trainer on Biggest Loser is Beachbody’s own Brett Hoebel. This is no surprise to the Beachbody community that has seen Brett’s approach with his program RevAbs.

RevAbs will be in my queue for sure, but I’m working on round two of Insanity. I just received the Insanity deluxe DVD kit which includes Upper Body Resistance, a sport cardio workout and Insane Abs. And let me tell you, Insane Abs lives up to its name.

But I also think Grover should be the next mystrey trainer on Biggest loser!

Return of the Beachbody Million Dollar Body Game!

Yes, get fit and win $25,000! So if you need that extra incentive to finally kick start your work out program, then this really is the time.

Make your transformation and enter in time before the Coach Summit 2011 in July. I’ll be at the Coach Summit cheering on Roger Mesina. But if you are making the transformation using Beachbody products, I want to hear from you!!

It’s not too late to get started on a Beachbody program, get results and find yourself at the Coach Summit in LA accepting a large check!! Contact me to let me help you get started!!!

Get your Free Insanity T-shirt!!

You stuck with it and completed Insanity! Now sign up for your Free Insanity T-shirt…you earned it!!! Beachbody shipped my shirt the day after I submitted my form and pictures!

My fit test results with Insanity and my Free Insanity T-shirt!!

Buckeye Recipe – with Shakeology of course!

I love finding news ways to use Shakeology and modifying recipes to be healthier. My mom was explaining how she makes those yummy Buckeyes. So as she rattled off the ingredient list, I went to work finding healthy alternatives.  At first my mom was skeptical…but when I proposed to use Oatmeal and honey instead of the sugar that helps to bind the balls when you roll them, she was all in. I’m proud to say here is what we came up with.

Ok, they are not as purdy as the conventional Buckeyes, but I was shock to learn the nutritional facts after I broke down each ingredient and then calculated the per serving. OMG!! is it really worth 300 calories/41 g Sugar to have one little Buckeye???!!! For 300 Calories you can have close to 6 of mine and have the nutrition of my homemade protein bars.

My Mom’s original receipe Intgredient list:

  • 1 1/2 cups Peanut Butter (Jiffy Brand)
  • 1 Stick of butter
  • 6 cups confectionery sugar
  • 4 cups semi sweet Chocolate chips

My Modified recipe:

  • 1 1/2 cup Almont Butter
  • 1 cup Oatmeal
  • 4 Tbs Organic Honey
  • 1 scoop Shakeology
  • 1/4 cup Almond milk

Damage report:

  Calories (kcal) Fat (g) Sat Fat (g) Carbs (g) Fiber (g) Sugar (g) Protein (g) Sodium (mg) Cholesterol (mg) Potassium (mg)
Mom’s recipe 9231.00 444.37 236.19 1335.19 12.00 1235.02 106.96 919.00 243.00 41.00
  1 butter 810.00 91.65 58.05 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.96 12.00 243.00 27.00
  6 servings peanut butter 1140.00 96.00 18.00 42.00 12.00 18.00 42.00 900.00 0.00  
  64 servings semi sweet chocolate 4480.00 256.00 160.00 576.00 0.00 512.00 64.00 0.00 0.00  
  6 cups sugar 2801.00 0.72 0.14 717.12 0.00 704.95 0.00 7.00 0.00 14.00
Per Server Info: 307.70 14.81 7.87 44.51 0.40 41.17 3.57 30.63 8.10 1.37
My Recipe 1730.00 112.00 12.50 148.00 31.00 80.00 64.00 100.00 15.00 0.00
  6 servings almond butter 1200.00 108.00 12.00 36.00 24.00 6.00 42.00 0.00 0.00  
  4 servings honey 240.00 0.00 0.00 68.00 0.00 64.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  1 serving oats whole 150.00 3.00 0.50 27.00 4.00 1.00 5.00 0.00 0.00  
  1 serving shakeology 140.00 1.00   17.00 3.00 9.00 17.00 100.00 15.00  
Per Serving info: 57.67 3.73 0.42 4.93 1.03 2.67 2.13 3.33 0.50 0.00

ShakeCrepes – Shakeology crepes recipe

In the past I’ve shown how to take a simple crepe recipe and modify it into a yummy and great for your low carb diet plan.  I’ve now taken it to the next logical step by removing the un-healthy sugar substitute and using a highly nutritious ultra shake that has a certified low glycemic index. OK, I just had a hankering for chocolate crepes if you must know the truth!

Shakeology Crepes

My Yummy Shakeology crepes!


  • 1 cup Almond Milk – Unsweetened
  • 1 cup Whole Wheat flour
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 tsp Olive oil
  • 1 scoop Shakeology

Mix well. I find that I like to add more Almond milk for a thinner crepes.  Use less to make pancakes. Add a dash of Olive oil in the medium heated skillet. You should be able to pour a small amount of batter in the center of the hot skillet and then rotate the skillet to spread the mixture into a wide thin layer circle reaching the sides of the skillet. Within 30 seconds the bubbles should show and you can flip and heat for another 30-45 seconds.

I like to roll my crepes with Mango and Bananas.  Berries make a great filling as well. Drizzle a 1/2 teaspoon of 100% pure maple surup (Not the processed crap) and enjoy a wonderful crepe.

Does Insanity Work?

Last week I wrapped up my 60 days of Insanity and be honest I was a bit underwhelmed. Even though it kicked my behind, and I had major problems keeping up with the month two max interval DVD’s, I just didn’t think I was getting any benefit from Insanity. My mistake was that I kept looking at the scale every morning. I had it in my head that my goal was to drop to a new weight low and completely lose my lower stomach fat. So because I didn’t have the Shawn T abs, I concluded I made no gain.  How wrong I was!

Dr. Patrick Baker with Baker Family Chiropractor has been helping me track my body composition since reaching my all time low back in May. He was stressing that what I need to do is build muscle while losing fat. So if I did continue to lose weight that was fine as long as I continued to build muscle. But I was actually gaining weight in July to my frustration.  Again Dr. Pat had to remind me of the true goal which I was still not getting in my head. I guess this was due to battling a spare tire and being fat for most of my adult life.

But I learned all was good as my Body fat was lower and I had more muscle mass.  I still didn’t “get it” as I started Insanity. I still had it in my head that I need to lose weight. So I was just shocked at the latest numbers!! I mean 14.2 Body Fat percentage? That is sooo cool.

So the lesson here kids is that there does come a time to stop looking at the scale and even counting calories. If you have a significant amount of fat to lose, then yes the scale is a handy tool, and running a calorie deficit makes perfect sense. But be aware that goals do change. I now understand that I will be gaining weight to build muscle. And for every pound of muscle I add, that is 60 more calories a day I will burn in rest mode. Now it makes complete sense how both P90x and Insanity instruct us to consume more calories in the later phases. Sometimes we just have to make the mistakes to understand them. Hopefully you can learn from mine.

Virtual Fit Club starts Monday Nov. 8

As the holiday season approaches and the inevitable possibilities of over indulgence, how can you keep your fitness, and health nutrition goals up to speed?  Completely ignoring the ramifications of overindulgence could ruin, at least in the short term, any fitness and nutrition goals that you have set.
A New Year’s fitness resolution in hindsight seems like a good idea, but in reality fails miserably for most.
What can help you to avoid the ever present holiday season temptation to throw all caution to the wind with your health, fitness and nutrition goals? 
A Beachbody coach sponsored Virtual Fit Club! Join us for the first 90 day session starting this Monday. We are using the Challenge tools provided by to create the Beachbody 90 Day Diehard Challenge.

Many people will invest thousands of dollars each year for physical fitness trainers, info-commercial gizmo’s and/or gadgets.  A better option for your physical fitness and nutrition goals is as simple from working out in your own home.
What is the 90 day physical fitness challenge?

  1. Accountability. We will help encourage each other to keep pushing play.
  2. Provide a simple journal tool to record you calorie intake and burn.
  3. Provide additional encouragement as the holidays approach with tips to help manage and moderate.
  4. Mini-Challenges to help push you along week by week.
  5. Free Stuff! Person with best results and/or dedication will be rewarded. Prize committee still ironing out what exactly this means.

Additional Tips to help with this Challenge:

  1. Really pay attention and re-read the nutrition guides. This is not a diet plan folks. It took me bonking out on day 45 to truly understand this.
  2. If you don’t have a nutrition plan, then utilize the wonderful Meal Planner wizard. You will need your free Team Beachbody account to access this tool.
  3. This is going to be a tough challenge, lets not mince words here. We are going through a period of 3 major holidays.  So keep this party guide handy before you head out. Knowing how to eat ahead of time, will then allow you to eat at moderation when others are stuffing themselves silly. The easiest way to loose weight is to not gain it in the first place. So think smart here folks.
  4. Simplify simplify simplify. Read this post on how to transform your nutrition. Note the article where I get down to the Nuts and bolts on my daily nutrition.
  5. No easier way to Simplify and get the cleanest nutrition then with Shakeology. I use to hand out Free Shakeology, and still will if requested. But here’s the truth. You will tell me you LOVE the taste. But you will need to use Shakeology for at least 5 days to FEEL and SEE the results! So with the Free Coach Sign up, ordering Shakeology at the coach discount, and then being able to return it for a full refund if not 100% satisfied at no cost to you…well that’s just a no brainer. NOTE: Order with Home Delivery monthly Autoship for free Shipping! So that really is no cost to try. And as with the coaching, you can cancel the Autoship at any time.

If you can avoid making the mistakes that most make, stick to the 90 day challenge, you will head into the new year feeling better and guess what?? You will want to continue and realize that it’s all about lifestyle change. Change that you make at the NOW!! Forget the past people! We can’t undo the past. LETS do it now. Stick with it, avoid making the mistakes that stack on the pounds, actually take off the pounds and you will be amazed at how you will just start 2011 hitting the ground running and never look back. So forget the useless New Year Resolutions. Make the promise to yourself NOW!  Not Next week. Not after the next pot lunch. Not after the next family get together. NOW!  You do that, and I promise you will get results.

Shakeology warning!!

Shakeology has been found to explode. This report just came in…

Hey Tom, I tried the shakeology this morning and I really like the taste, I made a smoothie and I lost about a 1/4 of the packet when I plugged in the smothies blender and didn’t notice that it was already on so it ejected a quarter of the contents on the walls and my face!

Virtual Fit Club starts Nov 8th

While folks still ask a lot questions about Nutrition, I’m starting to see a rise in those that start a 60 or 90 day work out program like P90x/Insanity, and can’t seem to stick to the schedule and drop off.  They may try again, several times in fact, but just can’t stick to it.

I always try to stress to not think of it as a 60/90 day commitment. Give yourself a 2 week schedule that you will follow and not allow interruptions. If you can do that, two things happen. One, you develop the pattern and it does become easier to repeat week after week. Two, you will see results. And when you start to see results, well that is motivation to do it another 2 weeks. I know when I saw the weight loss, there was nothing going to stop me.

I love this post by Tony Horton on Staying Motivated, as it also spells out not to get disappointed if you don’t get the results you were looking for. You will eventually get the results if you stick with it.  I also like his point not to beat yourself up if you miss a workout. Just start where you left off.

But I still see folks struggling and asking for ways to stay motivated.  With that in mind and knowing it’s going to be impossible to have a local fit club to help everyone,  I came up with a Virtual fit club of sorts. The basic idea is to have a place where we call all help each other stay accountable. A place to record what you eat, which exercise was completed, and journal your workout program daily. Allowing you to compare to others, ask questions, and get rewarded. The rewards will come with sticking it through! But we will also be awarding those that are the most dedicated, and those that got the best results.

The Process to join is simple. Follow the link to Virtual Fit Cluband follow the steps. Basically you will create two free accounts. The Team Beachbody Account provides a lot of tools for meal plans and fitness tools to help you gauge your starting point and fitness level. The FatSecret account will allow an easy way to record your activity. FatSecret supports the concept of Challenges. So once you join the challenge, you have the ability to record your starting weight and Stats. You then record daily what you ate, exercise level and basic journal entry. This will track your progress along with the other team members. It should be a fun way to keep everyone motivated and hope you can join along.

Great news from Beachbody corp!!

There was a Beachbody leadership meeting in Dallas this weekend and we are starting to get bits and peices of the cool stuff coming down the pike.

FIRST!!! FREE COACH SIGNUP!!!! Just found out the FREE coaching is really FREE for the first month! No monthly business fee until month 2!!! Get your Beachbody products of choice for 25% off right now! Just click my FREE COACH SIGN up to get started and get your 25% discount!!

Why become a coach? Help achive your goal and pay it forward and help others.

Next we hear that they are shaking up the formula for the P90x Protein Bars and The Recovery Drink. Personnaly I love how they both taste and can’t imagine making it better. But from what I hear, they are making them with less and better sugar.

And of course more information on Shakeology with the MP3 must hear audio “Advice from 100 Doctors“. The cool thing about this project is that I almost got my favorite doctors in the video. Beachbody got their 100 doctors but if they continue with this project, they will call on them!! You can see the full story here on Tom’s Shakeology Doctor link.