What is the best orange juice brand to buy?

The short answer is None! And this applies to all fruit drinks folks buy off the shelf and think they are doing their family a healthy service. The truth is any fruit drink that is sold off the shelf has to go through a series of pasteurizing, chemical baths and then enriched with synthetic chemicals in the guise of healthy vitamins to make up for everything healthy that was stripped out in the above process. Here is an excellent piece about the OJ processing from a brand that most think would be the healthiest. I’ve also like this piece from Food Renegade that talks about the general process in much more detail.

But there is good news from all of this! Just make your own! Learn why folks are so fanatical about the Vitamix, or Ninja. Made a spinish, kale, cucumber, apple, avocado energy drink. Great stuff. But what won me over was making my own OJ. And here is the simple recipe…

2 oranges (peeled)
1 cup water
3 tablespoons egg white
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
*Sweetener (Recipe called for 1/4 sugar!)
1 1/2 cups ice

OMG….this is just toooooo good!!! Better than the old Orange Julius stands, I kid you not!

You will never drink processed OJ again. Enjoy!!

*I replaced the sweetener option and vanilla extract with my Sweatleaf stevia Vanilla drops. And remember, not all Stevia is the same. You can read about my Stevia rant here. The takeaway being only use the Sweatleaf brand folks.




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